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Our Projects

Before & After

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Need packing or unpacking help? Call White Knight Organizing!
Wondering where we've been?!  Our business has been booming thanks to all of you!  We've completed many projects and we've gained many loyal clients.   Stay tuned for some before/after pictures of past and current projects.  You won't want to miss them!  And as always, thank you for all your support!
Check out this job well done!

#organizertampa #professionalorganizerathome #professionalorganizer #professionalorganizertampabay #professionalorganizers #professionalorganizertampa #whiteknightorganizing #declutteryourlife #decluttered
White Knight Organizing can help YOU! Get your home looking nice for the start of the New Year.  Give us a call!


#organizertampa #professionalorganizerathome #professionalorganizer #professionalorganizertampabay #professionalorganizers #professionalorganizertampa #productivitytip #whiteknightorganizing #declutteryourlife #decluttered
Did you miss the email we sent out yesterday with all of our holiday pictures (and bloopers)?! Not to mention...dogs?!

To subscribe to our email list, DM us with your name and email!  You don't want to miss anymore funnies!

#organizertampa #professionalorganizerathome #professionalorganizer #whiteknightorganizing #declutteryourlife
Organizing sessions can be a great gift for anyone during the holidays!  By getting your loved one an organizing session, you are lowering their stress, increasing their productivity and so much more!  What a thoughtful, much-needed gift!  Ask us about our gift cards!

 #organizertampa #professionalorganizerathome #professionalorganizer #professionalorganizertampabay #professionalorganizers #professionalorganizertampa #productivity #productivitytips #productivitytip
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